Set your fears aside and truly learn about our world
I traveled with Inspire 180 in November of 2015 to Kenya. In preparation for the trip, we studied helpful materials, grew as a team, and truly were ready for the trip. I trusted our team leaders and immensely appreciated their expertise of leading trips and navigating world travel. While this was my first out-of-the-country mission experience, I was confident in our plans and travel, yet prepared to be flexible when needed.
My trip exposed me to a life I’ve only read of and seen in short media clips; my eyes were opened to a poverty that was unimaginable to me. Exposure was key. I saw that, though they lived in poverty, the people we met lived within a real community with music playing, hair being done, people working and children running about. I understood: “This is real life for them.”

We were able to make relationship connections, pray and work alongside partners in ministry, and share life with children who are regularly served through programs our partners run.
I so dearly cherish this trip—the lessons learned, the smiles and tears, the new foods and customs, the challenges and harsh reality of this world were all life-changing for me.

I would encourage anyone considering the opportunity to take a trip to set your fears aside and truly learn about our world, its beautiful people, and how you fit into it. I believe we’ve been called to serve our brothers and sisters near and far; this opportunity will better equip you to do your “near” job, while shifting you out of your normal comfort zone and into the “far.”
“The challenges and harsh reality of this world were all life-changing for me.”

Teresa Pittman, PasMother of 4 little girls